Posts tagged Atlanta
Joel Radio #259: Best After Dinner
Mar 10th
Comedian and all-around curmudgeon Bill Hildebrandt returns to chat about how the corporate comedy show is done wrong, the effect of coronavirus on the business and why comedy agents are weasels. It’s an inside comedy talk for sure, but it’s hard to disagree with him – unless you’re an agent or a corporation looking for fun-but-misguided way to entertain your employees. Also, Joel takes Rob Schneider out for breakfast, Atlanta traffic sucks, what happens when a big store closes, and movie production issues that drive Bill nuts. Plus, a TV and movie rundown with The Invisible Man, The Impractical Jokers Movie, The Outsider on HBO, Hunters on Amazon Prime, Breeders on FX and more.

The corporate meeting – comedy’s best paying enemy of fun
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