Archive for January, 2016
Joel Radio #165: The Trial of Amy Schumer
Jan 29th
The topic of joke thievery has been covered extensively on this show. Joel even made peace with Carlos Mencia back on show #159. So when Amy Schumer, comedy’s newest superstar, was accused of joke thieving this week Joel decided to put together a blue ribbon panel to investigate. Due to unforeseen circumstances, that panel ended up being only Joel and fellow comic Corey Hall. But it turned out OK, as both Joel and Corey have had jokes stolen from them, and genuinely hate when it happens. But is there more to it? Is this just an Amy Schumer backlash? Who are the guys coming up with the accusations? Hear the jokes in question and the guys’ verdict on the whole thing on this show. The results might surprise you. Also, Glenn Frey died this past week, and after the giant Bowie tribute last show, some words deserve to be said – well not by Corey. Hear the debate about if The Eagles were actually any good, Joel’s personal playlist of stuff he likes that’s worse than The Eagles, and Bruce Springteen’s lovely tribute to Glenn which Joel was lucky enough to see in person. Plus, Making a Murderer is just another paranoid conspiracy, local TV has Joel making friends and freezing his ass off at the zoo, and a local comic gets his big break on national TV – even though you heard him here first.
This took a goddamn long time to do in photoshop – hope you laughed!
Joel Radio #164: Bowie’s In Space
Jan 14th
Nothing is more agonizing for a comedian than doing new material. Except for maybe doing new material with 50 other comics in the room, and for only two minutes. That was the dilemma that Joel faced recently, as he was invited to perform at “50 First Jokes” last week in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Hear why Joel didn’t want to do the show, how Joel tried to involve Corey Hall in the proceedings, and how he was triumphant anyway when Corey let him down. Oh, and you’ll hear Joel’s joke, so you can decide for yourself. Also, the world lost a music legend in early 2016, as David Bowie passed at age 69. Joel and Corey eulogize the transcendent rocker, listening to his greatest hits, his early singles and his legendary collaborations. You’ll also hear about Tin Machine, but that’s not because you want to. Plus, the Golden Globes get dirty with Ricky Gervais. Hear Joel’s solution for airing the show uncensored, how the Hollywood Foreign Press rejected Corey and and why it’s simply impossible to follow all the TV shows that were nominated. If that wasn’t enough, find out exactly what it’s like backstage a Gallagher concert. The mallet, the table, the watermelon, hear all the secrets revealed! Just remember to bring a can opener.
A young Davie Jones (soon to be David Bowie) in his “Liza Jane” Days
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