Posts tagged Halle Berry
Corey and Joel Radio Show #70: James Taylor Means Bathroom Break
May 25th
This week, it’s a return to sanity after the boozed up hi-jinx of show 69. The boys are a little tired of having drunken chicks falling all over the studio and they need a breather. So it’s back to basics with a funny talk about the politics of American Idol. Who’s voting for this crap? Why is that bag Paula Abdul still on TV? What year did Tiffany do Playboy? Then Joel recaps a boatload of sweeps week reality TV finales, from Survivor and American Inventor to The Amazing Race. The summer blockbuster season is the next target, with Corey’s reviews of Da Vinci Code, Cars and X-Men 3, Can he answer such burning questions as: How do cars fuck? Are albinos evil? Why can’t Halle Berry act? Listen and find out.
Right click here to download – 69 minutes, 29 megs
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