Posts tagged GLOW
Joel Radio # 248: Of Norms and Organs
Sep 10th
It’s a massive catch-up episode of Joel Radio as Corey Hall returns to help Joel interview legendary Michigan comedian Norm Stulz backstage at the Comedy Castle, critique the new Dave Chappelle special and all the ensuing controversy, and possibly sell an organ. Norm tells some great stories and gives some great advice – young comedians, this is for you! And you’ll learn something about Dave Chappelle’s special, too. It’s good, but it’s just jokes. Everyone calm down. Plus, Joel shames Corey over not watching The Boys, the guys tell you which Amazing Johnathan documentary is the best, the boomer music movies get ranked, the new GLOW season stinks and much more.

Dave Chappelle, Norm and what is definitely not Corey’s organ
Joel Radio #223: No Stingers
Jul 11th
Joel hasn’t always enjoyed the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he still goes to the movies and the most recent one, Ant-Man and The Wasp, was OK. But making people wait for the post-credit sequences has become a frustrating, ridiculous ritual that should probably end. Joel and Corey Hall review the new film, discuss the “stinger” phenomenon and why the last scene in Ant-Man was an absolute waste of time for everyone. And yes, you’ll have to wait for the end of the show for this discussion – it’s better than an ant playing drums! Also, comedian Bill Bushart calls in to promote his TV project, shares tales of travelling to Amsterdam, and promotes his comedy classes. Plus, GLOW returns to Netflix and it’s a bore, Joel tells you of a fantastic “real” wrestling show that you should watch, pinball in the digital age frustrates Corey, and the comedy special that everyone’s talking about except Joel who won’t watch comedy specials. The guys also have reviews of The Staircase, Wild Wild Country and Derren Brown’s Miracles for your Netflix binging needs.
This is the “stinger” from Ant-Man and The Wasp. It’s stupid, lame, not funny, and not worth waiting for. It’s in the trailer, too, so it’s not a spoiler! FU Marvel!
Joel Radio #197: Now in 4DX
Jul 12th
Joel returns from his vacation to sunny Southern California and found it an excellent place to spend his money. He rented a nice car, stayed in nice hotels and had drinks next to C-list movie star! The American dream! Hear about Joel’s expensive sushi dinner, the greatest place in the world for a hike, running in to a “famous” comedian/acquaintance (which did nothing to impress Corey Hall), and how he can be seen on national television – for watching wrestling. Also, Joel sees Baby Driver in the immersive 4DX in L.A., but hear how moving seats and simulated bullets whipping past your head doesn’t really make you like a film that much more, even though Corey though the movie was great. Plus, the new Gong Show is better than expected, the new GLOW is better than the old GLOW, Battle of the Network Stars is only good for a half-awake Tom Arnold, and Joel really doesn’t get Get Out – it’s the best movie you’ve ever seen, if you’ve never, ever seen a movie.
Joel’s amazing view in Rancho Palos Verdes
Joel and Heather at New Japan Pro Wrestling in Long Beach
Look for Joel 25 seconds into this highlights package and whenever there’s action on the floor. What a seat!
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