Not unlike the recent Midwest tornadoes, Harry Artin aka MC Sampler recently blew through the Joel Radio studio leaving a wake of destruction in his path. Requiring promotion for his latest music video, Harry seeks the advice of Joel and Corey Hall. And while he gets lots of advice (and the video and song are actually pretty good!) it seems unlikely that Harry’s taking any of it. Harry details the making of the video, discusses his new musical partner Halfway House, insults people of every skin tone, and is seemingly possessed by 60’s TV end credits. It’s a wacky listen, but as wacky listens go, this one’s worth a shot. Plus, saying goodbye to the Monkees Davy Jones, a less fond goodbye from Corey to conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, major celebrity nude leakage, and Billy Crystal returns to The Oscars to remind us that nothing is as good as we remembered it.
Hit the “play” button below to listen or right click the “Download” link below and save the file
MC Sampler ‘N The Halfway House’s latest video. Hard to believe these guys are alone on Valentine’s Day
What should have been a Valentine’s Day “double date” was ruined by a massive snow storm, so it’s just Joel, Corey and his GF Amy on this week’s show. Not that there’s a lot of love to go around, as the big snow brings up another global warming debate. Is Corey just a liberal paranoid or is Joel a conservative apologist? Why is Mars getting warmer? Why did the dinosaurs die? Speaking of dead, what happened to Anna Nicole Smith? And find out why you shouldn’t share a meal with Howard K. Stern. Also, listener confusion as to which host is which, and who’ll play the roles in the Corey and Joel movie. Plus, we still hate Lost (and Norbit), Joel narrowly avoids sex with a fat girl, and who’s thinner Corey or Joel? Right click here to download – 78 minutes, 36 megs Amy attempts to figure out the real Corey, is he above or below?
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