
Joel Radio #54: America’s Next Top Critics

If the guys hadn’t given you enough lists with the last two shows, this week’s show is dedicated to the best movies of 2010. Well, it’s Joel and Corey’s favorite movies of 2010, a detail that will be oft repeated throughout the show. Where Corey is largely in lock step with the critical mass, Joel’s list is more unusual and documentary heavy – although one film is described as being “middlebrow” by Corey, starting a furious debate. Corey also picks a curious #2 selection, a film that Joel sees as Corey’s ultimate fantasy life, and Corey agrees! Will your favorites make the list? Where can I see some of these obscure pics? How many films feature naked boobs? It’s a spirited 2+ hours full of fun viewing suggestions that film geeks, and even non-film geeks will enjoy.
Right click here to download – 122 minutes, 56 megs
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