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Posts by joel
Corey and Joel Radio Show #122: A Good Mix
May 24th
Cherry Brooklyn has been here before. On show 69, discussing her adult personal ads, and celebrating her birthday. We hadn’t heard from her since she was in a LTR, but now that’s over, so let’s get drunk! And how newly-single is Ms. Brooklyn? The answer is surprising, even for her. She talks about what went wrong, the joy of couples counseling, and the exact amount and frequency of sex she requires. Cherry’s on the prowl for a European man, so even our listeners might be in luck. She also requires lots of oral attention, so trim those mustaches, boys. Cherry’s not done there, and the last ten minutes of the show might be the most graphic stuff anyone’s ever said on the show, so you’ve been warned.
Right click here to download – 80 minutes, 37 megs
Cherry shows you where she wants it, and you can rest your drink, too
Corey and Joel Radio Show #121: Gilmore Guys
May 16th
The Corey and Joel Radio Show is a lot like the Gilmore Girls, we talk and talk and talk about pop culture and make endless wise cracks, just without the hot Mother/Daughter action. This week is a lot like that show. And why does the Mom finally fall for the guy with the backward hat? Do all local greasemonkeys and short-order cooks really have a heart of gold? The Sopranos sucks, too, but at least something happened this week. Also, The Kentucky Derby winner talks funny, Kirk Cameron is gay for Jesus, Jerry Falwell is dead (thank God), Apple fans hate us and Larry the Cable isn’t funny – again.
Right click here to download – 79 minutes, 37 megs
Corey and Joel Radio Show #120: Andrea Soup
May 10th
Joel gets another year older and celebrates with one his favorite people in the world – not Corey, it’s Andrea the Intern! Some of you may know Andrea from her appearances on The Funhouse, where she has given Joel a massage, performed her own rap and read erotic fiction – some of which you’ll hear here. She’s also a MySpace whore, a comic book junkie and a reformed liquor drinker. She also has a secret history with Corey which will be explained as well. She’ll pretty much do anything, but does anything include the Marzipan dildo? Also, more Spiderman feedback, the 80s become cool, Joel takes a survey and the sex dice – yes or no?
Right click here to download – 79 minutes, 37 megs
Andrea and Joel get comfy……
…and Corey does what he does best
Corey and Joel Radio Show #119: Double Date
May 3rd
It wasn’t supposed to happen this way, but after a long, stressful day Corey invited his girlfriend Amy to sit in on the show. Unbeknownst to Corey, Joel invited his date for the night to sit in, making the first ever Corey and Joel Double Date. That’s not to say there isn’t arguing. Amy accuse Joel of being a homophobe, only to have the contents of Joel’s DVR expose his real tendencies. Those contents: Dancing with the Stars and a Liza Minelli TV special. Can guys appreciate a 70’s-era Liza? Listen and find out. Also, a movie showdown, find out which host made a “love” CD for his girl, and missing limbs = comedy.
Right click here to download – 78 minutes, 36 megs
Corey and Joel Radio Show #118: Injun Red
Apr 26th
Corey and Joel have a big fight – right at the top of the show. No announcing, no nothing just fighting. Then the guys come together to hate on other stuff: Michigan’s upper peninsula, the Calgary Flames, phony Indian casinos and more. Then Joel has a near-death experience on the air and Corey just points, laughs, and describes it all for the listeners. What a dick. Almost as bad as Alec Baldwin and his voice mail to his kid. Did the kid deserve it? Did Joel? Also, a Spider Man 3 review, the VT shooter and his whore, nostalgia sucks, getting older and getting laid, and a great listener email.
Right click here to download – 80 minutes, 37 megs
Corey and Joel Radio Show #117: We Burn in Hell
Apr 19th
So this week’s big news is the Virginia Tech shooting. While very sad, Corey believes he can avert further tragedy with a unique solution. Let’s just say it involves America’s sorority girls and leave it at that. Joel feels it’s a solution better suited to Europe, but thinks it might have some merit. It’s funny, sick and wrong all at the same time. Also, the guys bemoan America’s tech illiteracy and marvel at the ability of teenage boys to view naked boobs. Plus, Corey was a jerk in public, Joel loves cheese pizza, the harsh reality of comedy on the road and the iPod still sucks.
Right click here to download – 79 minutes, 37 megs
Corey and Joel Radio Show #116: The I-Man Sucketh
Apr 11th
So radio curmudgeon Don Imus got suspended for “insesitive remarks” about the Rutgers Women’s basketball team. We think he should be fired for general ineptitude, as we hate the “I-Man”, his show, his sidekicks, his wife, his kids, his very existince. Still, he might be getting a raw deal here – since when has Al Sharpton made sense? Hear Imus’ original comments and the full analysis here. Also, Joel bombs in front of Christians but is talented enough to follow a 12-year-old; we review the highly anticipated (by geeks) Hot Fuzz. Is it more succesful at getting laughs than Imus? Plus, Harry Berberian was briefly an MTV star the 1990s and we have the proof.
Right click here to download – 78 minutes, 37 megs
Corey and Joel Radio Show #114: Channeling Cosby
Mar 28th
Back in the studio for the first time in two weeks, and the guys are joined by comic Mike Lundy to sit in on the Roast breakdown and other bullshit. Firstly, a review of this show’s Hindenburg footage – Chill’s spot at the Roast. We dissect how the perfect disaster was formed on stage, how he could’ve possibly confused Corey and Joel and why refusing to give up made it the funniest moment ever. Also, why you you should never let your biggest fan get too close and why Corey and Joel’s biggest fan has to be someone who doesn’t know how to drive. Later, we go after accused joke thief Carlos Mencia. This time Mencia has allegedly ripped off a classic Bill Cosby bit. Hear them both and her the guys’ verdict. Besides, nobody does Cosby like Mike Lundy. Plus, more bad TV, Lily Tomlin’s incredible fight with her director, and Joel does Dustin Hoffman and it sounds like Jimmy Durante.
Right click here to download – 79 minutes, 38 megs
When Mike makes that face, he becomes the Coz
Corey and Joel Radio Show #112: The Roast Part 1
Mar 22nd
You asked for it fans – and remember that after you’ve heard it – it’s the Corey and Joel Roast, and it’s as evil as advertised. Russ Brown, the rostmaster, kicks things off in fine style with a hilarious set, before handing over the podium to Mike Lundy who thinks Corey’s movie reviews show an underlying homo tendency (he might be right). Crusty veteran Bill Hildebrandt steps up and would to tell the guys to get out of the business – if they were actually in it. Show fave Steve Sabo gets great laughs, as does plumber turned comic John Tortilott. Also, Comedy Castle manager Kevin Wheeler gets his shots in, a bizarre appearance from Hortense the Hand Puppet of Low Self-esteem, and our new weapon in the War on Terror – the comedy of Chill. Really, Chill does so bad we could drop his set on Iraq and they’d be singing “God Bless America” tomorrow. It’s so unintentionally hilarious, you’d think he was trying to fail. There’s nothing funnier than paying a tribute to your friends at the “Joery and Cole Show”. (Note: the rest of the Roast is below in show #113)
Right click here to download – 60 minutes, 29 megs
Russ Brown kicks things off
Corey and Joel Radio Show #113: The Roast Part 2
Mar 22nd
The Roast continues with final Roaster, PJ, as the bald monster goes Godzilla over the attendees, roasters and especially Corey and Joel. PJ surveys the audience and finally uncovers the show’s true demographic. Then Joel steps up to fight back, but it’s a feeble attmept. His best lines are reserved for German Superfan Nils, whom Joel blames a for lack of preparation. Hey, you babysit a 6’2 nerd for four days and tell me how many good jokes you can write. The evening concludes with Corey and his goodtime, sushine comedy, accusing one comic of smoking crack and imploring another to kill his wife. Corey really calls the kettle black with bald jokes and fat jokes, but unlike most guys they actually go over. Like most Roasts, it’s a funny, good-spirited time – only this one has less good-spirits. (Note: Part 1 of the Roast is show #112)
Right click here to download – 32 minutes, 16 megs
PJ smash!
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