Posts tagged Jerry Seinfeld
Joel Radio #246: Seinfeld’s List
Jul 24th
Jerry Seinfeld is the the nicest guy in comedy – unless you’re Bobcat Goldthwait, maybe. Joel and Corey Hall do an investigation into the comic with the weird voice that Seinfeld hates per his new episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee on Netflix. The named is bleeped out, but hear the reasons the guys think Jerry hates Bobcat and why he’s still angry even though Bobcat is successful and talented to this day. It’s weird comedy politics at play and an insight into showbiz jealousy and ego that Joel and Corey can relate to. Also, Jerry gets coffee with Eddie Murphy and it’s not that great. Nothing with Eddie is great anymore! Plus, comedians vs rap fans, Police Academy memories galore, which Murray brother is which, reviews of Pen15 on Hulu, the new, awful Lion King movie and Corey says The Farewell is a great film – even with Awkwafina.

An early picture of Seinfeld and Eddie Murphy getting coffee
Joel Radio #122: Too Many Girls For Jerry
Feb 7th
The folks at Gawker should be loving Joel Radio right about now. At least the one asshole over there who challenged Jerry Seinfeld about diversity in comedy, as Joel Radio is proud to bring you two female comedians on one big show. Joel and Corey along with guests Lauren Uchalik and Samantha Rager discuss why Seinfeld is right about comedy not necessarily needing diversity and why being funny is (usually) enough. You’ll also hear the girls’ ridiculous stories about being a woman in comedy, including free motel rooms for open mike spots, late night Scrabble invites from pervs and in-boxes overflowing with poetry from strangers. The guys also share the worst story they’ve ever heard about a horn-dog comic that involves a long road trip and one bed for the headliner and opening, female, performer. Also, this year’s Super Bowl was the worst ever, Jay Leno is leaving but things are gonna get worse (says Joel), and is the Jeopardy! champ a fink or a genius, the panel debates. Plus, superfan Cam sends “disgusting” and “weird” foreign candy bars to the panel that end up being neither disgusting or weird and Joel makes a big announcement about a fun future project for Joel Radio.
Lauren and Sam give this show two thumbs up
Joel Radio #14: F.U.J.
Sep 18th
A moment we had all looked forward to (or feared) took place this week, as the the new Jay Leno Show premiered on NBC. Whether seen as a savior of NBC, or a backstabber to Conan, Jay’s debut has garnered strong opinions from many, including writer and former podcasting superstar Corey Hall. Corey gets out of his rocking chair to explain why Jay’s return is bad for TV, why he hates Taylor Swift, and why he still hasn’t seen The Hangover. Listen as Joel plays all the “highlights” of Jay’s first show, including Jerry Seinfeld scoring big, The Dan Band overexposed and Kanye West actually out-douching Jay. Plus, Steve Sabo leaves the road to predict UFC 103, Joel’s Beatles acquisitions make him a happy man, and Patrick Swayze dies alongside Joel’s hopes for winning the Death Pool.
Right click here to download – 104 minutes, 47 megs
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