about 7 years ago - No comments
Don’t watch comedy specials says Joel. They’re all fake! Or enough parts of them to make it an unrealistic representation of what a live stand-up comedy show is really like. This observation comes as the worldwide media reacts to the new Dave Chappelle specials on Netflix. Joel and Corey Hall can’t seem to figure out…
about 9 years ago - 1 comment
Nothing is more agonizing for a comedian than doing new material. Except for maybe doing new material with 50 other comics in the room, and for only two minutes. That was the dilemma that Joel faced recently, as he was invited to perform at “50 First Jokes” last week in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Hear why…
about 11 years ago - No comments
The folks at Gawker should be loving Joel Radio right about now. At least the one asshole over there who challenged Jerry Seinfeld about diversity in comedy, as Joel Radio is proud to bring you two female comedians on one big show. Joel and Corey along with guests Lauren Uchalik and Samantha Rager discuss why…
about 15 years ago - No comments
Jay Leno finally decided to do his first “sit down” interview about the late night debacle. And even though Oprah Winfrey was chosen as the host for said interview, Corey Hall found the event worthy enough to sit in on the playback. Listen as Jay weasels his way around various question concerning Conan’s ratings, Jimmy…
about 15 years ago - No comments
In a Joel Radio first, the show goes on the road to Northern Michigan. That’s Gaylord, Michigan, to be more precise, and the Quality Inn to be even more exact. Joel and Steve Sabo are in Gaylord for a comedy show, so the guys took some time to discuss that night’s show and a bunch…
about 15 years ago - Comments Off on Corey and Joel Radio Show #212: Funny For Free
Most comedians aren’t rich. They work for little money most of the time, and sometimes even perform for free. Then there’s Jay Leno, who’s actually a rich comedian – and he’s performing for free, in Detroit anyway. It seems Leno wants to do a free show in Detroit to pay back the unemployed auto workers…
about 18 years ago - Comments Off on Corey and Joel Radio Show #109: Return of the Uglies
Not that he’s ugly, but comic Russ Brown returns to the show. It’s a big week, too as the Oscars just happened but out-of-touch Russ couldn’t be bothered to watch. Still, Russ gives his thoughts on Joel’s “hots”, “so-sos” and “uglies” from this year’s telecast. Who’s stock fell from the Golden Globes? Who’s rose? Who…
about 18 years ago - Comments Off on Corey and Joel Radio Show #83: Defending Gallagher
Show #83, incorrectly identified as Show #84 by Joel, carrying on the tradition of incorrectly identifying the show’s number, and not like anyone cares. Anyway, on today’s show the guys announce their next big remote show wihich will feature lots of comedians and lots of clam chowder. Speaking of comics, Corey and Joel debate Maxim…
about 19 years ago - Comments Off on Corey and Joel Radio Show #51: Tips For The Waitress
On this week’s show we try to get you laid, as Corey reveals the top five kinds of girls you must bang before you die. It’s a wild, non-PC list, but the methods are proven and tested for years by your hosts. Find out who should drive on a date, the best places to hit…
about 19 years ago - Comments Off on Corey and Joel Radio Show #46: F Censorship And His Momma
Sad times as we honor the great Richard Pryor, who’s tragic passing also killed Corey’s Death Pool chances. We brave the multiplex with reviews that answer tough questions like: Just how gay is Narnia and just how scary are the natives in King Kong? Corey recalls his adolescent wet dream experiences, and a big,huge mailbag…