Joel Radio #78: Joel Radio Platinum
It’s the big Joel Radio post-Super Bowl extravaganza, which is made slightly less super by the game being not so great (until the finish), the commercials sucking, and Madonna making the terrorists hate us even more. Still, Joel and Corey have you covered for discussion of Bud Light Platinum, the joy of punting, M.I.A. is an asshole and why Godaddy can’t seemingly find a hot chick for the commercial. Find out if the guys endorse Met Life’s cartoon character sizing, discuss the bad example Doritos sets (for rednecks), and get the whole history of half-time shows from the truly awful to the pretty good to the pretty bad. Plus, Joel is on a “Who kick” so listen for what was The Who’s greatest performance ever, and while the both love The Beatles, how Corey was more of a Beach Boys guy. Also, Trump becomes Captain Obvious by endorsing Romney, The Rock’s movie career dissected, Joel’s embarrassing commercial opportunity, and Ray Stevens – coming to a jerkwater berg near you.
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Print article | This entry was posted by joel on February 8, 2012 at 3:27 pm, and is filed under Shows. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site. |
about 13 years ago
100% agree regarding The Who’s NYC set. Best version of “Wont Get Fooled Again” ever recorded.
I’ve read that Bud Platinum is being marketed to “urban” customers. Sorta like Hennesey Black. Wrap a substandard product in packaging that appeals to a “certain” demo, and you can sell anything. Just Google : “Donaghy Estates”