about 5 years ago - No comments
Joel attends opening night of the new Star Wars movie and reviews it along with comedians Kevin Kramis and Josh Bowab. Turn out the guys liked it overall, even if they weren’t all that hyped to see it. The review is *spoiler free* for the first 18 minutes or so – you’ve been warned! Joel…
about 6 years ago - 1 comment
The world seems crazier than ever, as Trump meets a Korean dictator, IHOp changes its name, Anthony Bourdain dies, and the NBA is the most important thing in the world – to some people. Stuff got weird this week. Really weird. Also, Corey Hall meets a big celebrity in Detroit, but it wasn’t a great…
about 6 years ago - No comments
The Jedi Council re-convenes for a review of the latest Star Wars movie: Solo: A Star Wars Story. Joel, Corey Hall, Josh Bowab and new member Paul, an artist and lifelong Star Wars fan, break down the latest film which was a plagued production with a director switch and a rush to release. It’s actually…
about 7 years ago - No comments
Another Super Bowl has come and gone, and while neither Joel nor Corey Hall really cared who won, the game was entertaining and what happened afterwards in Philadelphia was insane. The fans partied, rioted and acted exactly as you would have expected considering Philly’s reputation. Hear the undoubtedly incomplete list of crazy shit the fans…
about 7 years ago - No comments
The last show of 2017 sees lots of holiday spirit as Joel and Corey Hall fight over a movie that critics loved and the audience liked far less – no, not Star Wars (but they get to that), instead it’s Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. Joel found the characters unlikable and the film boring, while…
about 7 years ago - No comments
Joel re-assembles the Jedi Council of reviewers to talk about the new Star Wars film on opening night. Listen as Joel, Corey Hall, Josh Bowab, and Ellen Stachowicz break down the newest installment talking what worked and what didn’t, the direction the films in the future, some odd casting decisions and the influx of cuddly…
about 7 years ago - No comments
What did you do for fun this Labor Day weekend? Corey Hall braved the huddled masses and saw and aging B-52s at a free festival, while Joel took a high-dollar option to watch an aging U2. Corey describes the horror of middle America searching for some free fun, while Joel thinks U2 was good a…
about 8 years ago - No comments
Another year, another Star Wars movie – oh wait – that’s never happened until now, with the release of of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Joel, comedian Josh Bowab, and comedienne Ellen Stachowicz (a girl with such nerd cred she’s even written Star Wars fan-fiction) attended an opening night screening and sat down to…
about 9 years ago - No comments
Joel Radio is the first(?) podcast to have a complete review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. In fact, it’s so complete it’s almost as long as the movie! Don’t worry – there are NO SPOILERS – for 20 minutes anyway, and then there’s a METRIC TON OF SPOILERS after that, so maybe listen to…
about 9 years ago - No comments
You can’t say you’re not a nerd when you write a page and a half written diatribe about the Star Wars saga – a review of the previous films and a preview of the new one coming out. That’s exactly what head nerd Joel did for this week’s podcast, sharing his thoughts with fellow geek…
about 12 years ago
Great show again guys, many,many laughs. Always enjoy it when Rob sits in!
about 12 years ago
Hey Joel Bobcat Goldthwait just told a story about you on another comedian’s podcast. He’s talking about working with you(as Upchuck) at last year’s Gathering, it’s a funny ass tale he tells, here’s the link-
He starts talking about you around the 1 hour 49 minute mark