Posts tagged Oscars
Joel Radio #275: Movie Mania 2021
Apr 8th
The annual massive Movie Mania show consisting of Joel’s best movies of the year, the worst movies of the year, Oscar predictions and more is here! Joel is joined once again by Jason Fylan-Mares (or is it Jason FM?), and the guys have included a symbolic chair for the late, great Corey Hall to join them in spirit. Some of the highlights are Joel saying that Mank is representative of the problems with Netflix’s original programming, why Tenet is just a Christopher Nolan James Bond movie, and why Pixar’s Soul is one of the worst movies of the year. Plus, Layla does her “Sleepy Awards” for the movies she fell asleep during in the past year! If you’re into movies, then this is the show for you!

Some really good movies came out this year. None of which were named Wonder Woman 1984.
Joel Radio #274: The Clown Show
Mar 19th
Joel welcomes pro wrestler/comedian and would-be filmmaker Mikey Gordon to the show. Mikey and Joel met at The Gathering of the Juggalos, and have crossed paths at diverse places over the years including Detroit, California and Oklahoma City. Mikey details his attempt at making a feature film, how you can help support it, and the unique way way it will eventually be released. Mikey also tells tales of jobbing on WWE Raw, drive-thru wrestling, and Joel revisits the night a pro-wrestler him in the head with a chair. Ouch. Plus, Layla reviews stuff like Wandavision, Frayed on HBO Max, and Search Party (and Save Yourselves with the same exact guy!). Plus, Joel’s Oscars spin says no-one could possibly enjoy Mank, an explainer on My Octopus Story, and he runs down exactly what he needs to see pre-Movie Mania.

Upchuck and Dirty Ron trying to enjoy the hell that is Oklahoma City in 2017
Joel Radio #258: Pure Quality
Feb 19th
A lot of ground is covered on this show, as Ted Moss returns to re-cap the Oscars with Joel and talk about his own podcast. Joel discusses which Oscar picks he got wrong and (mostly) right, and why Parasite really deserved to win. The guys also discuss podcast audio quality, toilet paper budgets, travel nightmares, and Ted takes us back to a quaint time when porn movies played at drive-in movie theaters. Plus, reviews of James May: Our Man in Japan, HBO’s The Outsider and McMillions, Locke and Key and much more.

This image is not indicative of the quality of the show
Joel Radio #257: Movie Mania 2020
Feb 4th
The giant, be-all-end-all movie review and Oscar preview show is here for 2020. It’s the biggest Joel Radio of the year, and Joel is joined by a new guest co-host, comedian Jason Fylan-Mares, who shares his best and worst films of the year. But wait, Corey Hall returns from a public radio booking to add his insights and yes, it get contentious as always. Only one guy like Uncut Gems, Joel hates Little Women, Corey hates INXS, the documentary nominees are all wrong, there’s too much feet in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and so on. This is always a fun show to make, so if you’re looking for a good movie to watch, learn from us and pick a good one.

It was a weird year at the movies for sure. Waiting for Two Popes in The Lighthouse
Joel Radio #238: Movie Mania 2019
Feb 19th
Another year, another million or so movies watched by Joel and Corey Hall to make this podcast. You’ll hear each guy’s list of the best movies of 2018, find out what the worst of the year were, too, plus get their thoughts on what will and what should win at The Oscars. Find out which one super hero movie made the list, why the Rotten Tomatoes scores don’t always work, and why Melissa McCarthy is on the best and worst movies list. Also find out about the film destined to be a cult classic, why Bohemian Rhapsody isn’t very good, and why not to take your girlfriend rock climbing. The producers of this podcast would like to apologize in advance for a lack fighting on this episode. They promise to try harder on Movie Mania 2020.

The movies of 2018!
Joel Radio #214: You Can’t Choose Your Fans
Mar 6th
Joel and Corey Hall discuss the funniest comics off-stage, which is not something a lot of people consider when it comes to comedy success. The guys talk the best “hangs” in comedy and the superstar they’d rather see interviewed than actually performing stand-up. This also plays in to a recent high-profile fight a recent friend of the show was in and why being funny off-stage will always give you an edge. Back onstage, Joel confesses to using notesfor a recent set, while Corey went and rocked a small town bowling alley – it’s a living. Also, The Oscars have happened as predicted. The guys rundown the show, why it’s not as popular as it used to be, how Jimmy Kimmel fared as host, and why the red carpet really isn’t relevant anymore. Plus, Corey sees Black Panther and says more minority super heroes are inbound, both guys liked Game Night, and Derren Brown debuts on Netflix in spectacular fashion with The Push.
Joel poses before the show, sitting where his notes would soon rest
Joel Radio #213: Movie Mania 2018
Feb 20th
It’s the annual rundown of the best and worst films of 2017 on the annual Joel Radio Movie Mania extravaganza. Joel and Corey Hall have made their lists of the top fifteen films they liked the most from 2017 – and there’s some obscure ones in there, too – so if you’re looking for something to watch, you’re covered. The guys also handicap the Oscars, as Joel saw every nominated film in the major categories, and you’ll get a rundown of the very worst films of the year, too. Hey, one of Corey’s best is on Joel’s worst – fight! Plus, the best documentaries of the year, Corey steps on Joel’s joke, and peanut butter Ho-Hos – the perfect baked treat or a useless re-invention?
Some of the best shots from the best movies of the year – and one of Baby Driver
Joel Radio #189: Movie Mania 2017
Feb 28th
After the debacle that was the 2017 Oscars, Joel does his annual movie review show telling you all the best films of 2016 that you might have missed and which Oscar picks were just plain wrong. He is joined in this by movie critic-at-large Corey Hall, who returns to the show for the first time in months. Corey liked Jimmy Kimmel’s performance as the host of the Oscars, but wasn’t surprised by the fossilized Warren Beatty’s screw-up. Joel is more offended by Moonlight winning best Picture as he thought it was the worst of the nominated films. Hear both guys’ list of best movies of the year and the worst of the year, too – now with more Melissa McCarthy! Plus, Crashing gets comedy right on HBO, and Comedy Central’s Detroiters gets the references right, but the comedy wrong.
The Oscars isn’t the only show with a big surprise
Joel Radio #167: #OscarsSoLame
Mar 1st
After doing a bang up job recapping the best movies of 2015 last show, Joel and Corey Hall have their review of Hollywood’s official movie show – The Academy Awards 2016. Unfortunately, the show was a joyless mess of preachy speeches and liberal guilt. While the guys love Chris Rock, his one-note “it’s all white people!” shtick got old quick and ultimately didn’t have its desired effect. The were also speeches about global warming, gay rights, date rape and a Kevin Hart speech that was basically Chris Rock without the jokes. Even though they largely got the winners right, the show had the tone of a funeral and not a celebration – a giant waste of time for both the participants and the viewers. In happier news, Joel has a serendipitous run in with the E Street Band in Cleveland, much to Corey’s dismay. Hear how Joel’s love of The Beatles and Bruce Springsteen collided in front of Ringo’s drum kit. Also, there’s a glut of new TV shows both on cable and streaming. Hear the guys’ reviews of 11.22.63 on Hulu, Love on Netflix, Vinyl on HBO, and the very best of all: American Crime Story: The People vs OJ Simpson on FX. Plus, the return of old favorites HBO’s Girls and Togetherness and how the latter show has an important lesson we should learn about relationships, according to Joel. All this and a special message to superfan Cam from Yellowknife – get well, buddy.
The best actors celebrate their whiteness backstage at the Oscars 2016
Joel Radio #147: Just Play Along
Feb 24th
It’s a breakdown of the 2015 Oscars as Joel and Corey tell you why Neil Patrick Harris “bombed” as host when he actually did just fine, how celebrity assholes in the crowd ruined the performance for Neil and why nobody can seem to do the job well. The guys also reveal why Birdman was an undeserving winner for best picture, the reasons the academy loved it so, and Oscar’s long history of picking the wrong film as the best year after year. They also look into the controversies from the show like the death montage snubs, Wes Anderson’s girlfriend and the idiotic article that followed, and the extremely weird look and behavior of John Travolta – though still not as weird as Michael Cimino. Plus, SNL turns 40 and the reunion was as expected – the funny guys were funny and the guys who weren’t, weren’t. Joel says that’s enough of Fallon and Timberlake, Corey can’t get enough of Bill Murray, and Eddie Murphy has pretty much won the asshole of the year already.
By the look on his face, even Eddie Murphy knows NPH is in trouble here.
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