Joel Radio #98: The Best and Worst of TV 2012
Dec 28th
Part two of Joel and Corey’s 2012 recap shows brings you the guys’ choices for the best and worst shows of 2012. While there’s some overlap with what they liked last year, there’s a whole new crop of stuff to hate – hillbillies! – and their agreement on this year’s lists was shocking even to them. Exhibit A: the best show of the year was unanimous, and even that show has its haters among the general public. But listen on as the guys pick the premium cable powerhouses, reality stupidity, documentaries and animated shows that kept their cable bills as bloated as their waistlines in 2012. Also, find out what channel Joel wants completely removed from our line-ups and which HBO show Corey would like to see under water. Plus, Joel finally comes around on Top Gear, Corey still has love for Mad Men, and how Shark Tank can increase its ratings by replacing the 55-year-old woman with the 40-year-old one.
Some of the best and worst images from the best and worst of TV for 2012
Joel Radio #97: Assholes of the Year 2012
Dec 14th
In what has become the Super Bowl of the Joel Radio podcast, Joel and Corey pick the the 2012 Assholes of the Year. The AOTY is not merely an award for doing something bad – it an award for excellence hypocrisy, deception, duplicity, meanness and a failing to do what is right. In some cases, these folks are respected and revered by the public, but Joel and Corey lift the veil of phoniness to let you see the real jerk-offs inside. There’s some real doozeys this year too, including shady CEOs, insidious political hacks, sinister celebrities and other people we can all agree really suck. Then there’s those you might think are alright, but they’re not! Some of the world’s biggest do-gooders are just as phony and wicked as the rest of the dickheads on this list, so be prepared to be outraged – or you just might agree! Either way, this is a 2+ hour tour-de-force podcast filled with the funniest, most vitriolic humor you’ve ever heard. It’s sure to get you in the Holiday spirit – especially if you hate the holidays.
So many qualified choices for 2012! Who will it be?
Joel Radio #96: Contractual Obligation
Nov 30th
Joel Radio welcomes the return of John Tenney to the show. John talks how crappy science won’t stop the hunt for Bigfoot, a entire Thanksgiving dinner of hors d’oeuvres, and the singles scene at local bars – handjobs in the stairwell! Also, Joel’s “mystery record” reveals on of rock-roll’s greats doing the worst dong ever, the discussion goes to the worst recording ever, with Bill Cosby, James Brown and especially Van Morrison getting nods. The guys roar with laughter as Van the Man improvises tunes about ring worm and Danish, deliberately hysterical for an oh-so serious soul singer. Plus, a fan sends a predictable Xmas present, how you can get Joel and Corey and John to Yellowknife, the Beatles’ sons and how they’re doing, and how to look like you’re not losing your hair.
Van says “YOU’VE GOT RING WORM”!!!!!
Joel Radio #95: Like Two Ladies
Nov 15th
You’d think the garbage that is morning radio would have stayed there. But no, some genius came up with the idea for a TV show called Dish Nation. This involves some of America’s “funniest” morning show teams cracking wise on the celebrity news of the day. As you can imagine, it’s awful. And the worst of it is Scott Shannon and Todd Pettengill, from WPLJ in New York. If their lame shtick wasn’t bad enough, they look like Siegfried and Roy after a trip to the cosmetics counter. Listen as Joel and Corey playback a recent episode of Dish Nation and comment on Scott, Todd, the ridiculous black show from Atlanta, the breakdown of ages and predefined roles of the hosts, and everything else that makes it so awful. Plus, thoughts on the recent election as Corey gloats and Joel is waiting hours at the polls – another example of how the government isn’t working. Also, Corey loves a sausage, Chicago-style pizza should stay in Chicago, and Joel’s knowledge of TV anchor babes is put on public display.
Scott and Todd are joined by the inspiration for their look – Lady Elaine Fairchild
Joel Radio #94: Blown By Sandy
Nov 2nd
Rob Rose guests! With Corey Hall – who hates wind chimes! And Honey Boo Boo (not really)! And who you should vote for! And Disney buys Lucasfilm! More Shitty Star Wars!!!! Great show!!
Joel Radio #93: We Can Kirk It Out
Oct 12th
This week’s guest has taken time out from Detroit’s open mike scene, rambling about the Detroit Tigers on Facebook, and making little-seen YouTube videos to join Joel and Corey on the show. Kirk is an original thinker with big plans in show business, and if he can survive 90 minutes here, he’ll probably do just fine in Hollywood. The guys discuss podcasting’s history and Joel and Corey’s place in it, why Corey is sick of horror movies and Kirk’s plans to move to L.A.. Also, the Hulk Hogan sex tape is driving Hulkamaniacs Corey and Kirk wild, but Joel, the show’s pro-wrestling insider, thinks the whole thing is a cheap stunt and offers up evidence why. Plus, Kevin James’s new movie makes no-one smile except Henry Winkler – who got paid for it.
Kirk’s actual business card. Not sure if business is good or not
Joel Radio #92: Argo, The Gold Colored Boy
Oct 2nd
Joel and Corey wish they were TV characters. No it’s not like they want they’re own show, it’s just that they want to live in a fabulous apartment with little or no income. That’s what happens on shows like FOX’s New Girl, which returned to TV screens this past week. The guys talk the new TV season, but there’s not much to like so far. Of the new shows, Corey isn’t buying the Mindy Kaling hype, while neither of them can figure out the appeal of Ben from Ben and Kate – even if Joel’s place looks like Ben would live there. Also, Eddie Murphy + Richard Pryor = violence, why The Little Rascals were the most racist thing ever, and Joel can’t take Halloween hysteria for another year. Plus, Corey goes to Europe and does it “wrong” – some unbelievable fan reaction to the last show!
Joel Radio #91: From Paris to Wrigley
Sep 13th
It’s been a long time and a lot has happened to our intrepid podcasters since the last show. Corey got married and jetted over to Europe for the honeymoon, where he and his new bride indulged in sightseeing, museum touring and french fry eating. Joel, meanwhile, took his prize to see Bruce Springsteen in Chicago at Wrigley Field. Again, a fine trip, with the exception of the pouring rain during the show, the sea of humanity on the Red Line train and the ass-rape prices for everything including a near $100 trip to the aquarium. Hear about Corey making jam for the wedding guests, why he almost missed his flight, and why Amsterdam’s red-light district didn’t entertain the missus. While Joel’s GF enjoyed the concert, especially the special guests, but not Eddie Vedder as much as that “other guy” whom she never heard of. Plus, it’s a historic candy crossover at Costco, the real difference between Snickers and Milky Way (it’s not just peanuts!), and Corey’s pessimism about the new TV season is summed up in one new show.
Corey brings a bit of America to France……….
…….while Joel takes THAT picture in front of Wrigley Field……………….
…….to watch Bruce do this! Awesome!!!!!!
Joel Radio #90: We Cure Olympic Fever
Aug 23rd
The world went Olympic crazy over the past few weeks. Unfortunately it didn’t happen to two surly comics in Metro Detroit. As the world was captivated my synchronized swimming, water polo, and kayaking, Joel and Corey thought the whole thing was a silly, jingoistic, poorly-covered mess. And that Olympic Village isn’t an orgy! It just isn’t. A decent college party maybe, but nobody’s banging those female gymnasts – certainly not the male gymnasts! And what happened to good-looking American female beach volleyball players? Has Europe overthrown America’s dominance in cute bathing suit-clad asses? Listen and find out. Also, Joel returns from The Gathering of the Juggalos, and shares his tales of sharing the stage with Cheech and Chong, Ralphie May and Bobcat Goldthwait. And Corey worked with Hal Sparks! Whoever the fuck that is! Just kidding! And Corey is about to get married. Hear his wedding plan nightmares and find out if France will actually be open for the Honeymoon.
Joel clowns it up in a Cheech and Chong Sandwich (actually Chong and Cheech)
And the now completely offensive Basketball Jones clip by Corey’s request
Joel Radio #89: Live From Showbiz Pizza
Jul 26th
The agenda wasn’t that long for this week’s Joel Radio. Joel and Corey thought the shooting in Aurora, Colorado would be the main focus of the show – and they did get to it eventually – but there was too much other, funnier nonsense going on. Like the couple, who Joel and Corey both know well, who posted simultaneous Facebook status updates declaring themselves “single”. Who does that? Was an airplane banner over New York City too subtle? The guys try and figure out if the whole thing is a “work” (IE fake), or if their just a couple of wannabe celebrity drama queens. Also, Chuck E. Cheese vs Showbiz Pizza in a battle of old-school money sucks from childhood. Corey knows way too much about the Showbiz Pizza band and Joel explains why Chuck E’s not the place it used to be. Plus, the Dark Knight Rises to varying opinions from the hosts, Corey’s Bachelor party is still a secret but it won’t have coordinated shirts, RIP George Jefferson, mandatory L.A. time for America’s gays, and the guys lay down a new assignment for the fans – the Frank Zappa challenge.
If you were born in the 70s, this was a lot of fun….
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