Joel Radio #263: Be Our Buddy
May 20th
It’s another week of lockdown and Joel has watched a million different movies and TV shows and checks in with reviews. Actually, there some things even he, or phone-in guest Corey Hall, refuse to watch, including a new David Spade film on Netflix that looks like the worst thing ever. He’s pushing sixty years old, and Spade still hes acting like a teenager, being too good for the 20-years-his-junior woman that is by any standard attractive. Speaking of attractiveness, Joel details the real crime being done to actresses in Dead To Me Season 2 , and he knows he sounds like a dick doing it. Also, girlfriend Layla, sits in to review Upload, Magic For Humans, Normal People, Hollywood, a belated watch of The Morning Show, and much more. Plus, movie reviews of an 80s classic no one wanted, and the incredible My Dad Is a Heel Wrestler. It’s the best! Plus, Joel talks on Zoom here and here. How’s his background?

Before he was a “Heel Wrestler” Tanahashi was Joel’s friend. Photo by Corey!
Joel Radio #262: Everybody’s Guessing
Apr 29th
The world is so weird right now, and as a guy who likes to tell the truth Joel is here to say nobody knows anything. Not the doctors, the scientists, especially not the politicians. Everybody’s guessing, and Joel is, too. He chats with comedian Kevin Kramis who “won” the right to mow his, and other’s, lawns. Kevin says why he stopped live streaming comedy, how he’s being taken care by unemployment and his new hobby to fill the time. Later, girlfriend and viewing companion, Layla joins Corey Hall and Joel to discuss good the things to watch during the lockdown, which may include, Bad Education on HBO, My Spy, Banana Split, Little Fires Everywhere, After Life, Fleabag and more. It’s getting so bad – Corey actually enjoyed Little Caesar’s Pizza. Let’s all pray for this to end.

Somebody make a chart showing how charts are way up in 2020
Joel Radio #261: Welfare Check
Apr 14th
Another week in lockdown has Joel calling up his friends. He starts with Ted Moss, who isn’t buying into all the stay at home restrictions and just wants to paint his house, or go out on a boat or whatever else they tell him he can’t do. Ted has also returned from a big podcasting conference and will soon be famous with his own YouTube channel and other podcast gimmicks that all cost him money. Later, Corey halls joins Joel and his girlfriend Layla to discuss what to watch while you’re doing nothing. They recommend HBO’s Run, Crip Camp on Netflix, the great comedy doc It Started as a Joke, and pan The Gentlemen, Birds of Prey, and Like a Boss. Also, Modern Family ends as they’ve probably all died of old age by now.

It’s actually not illegal to paint your house but Ted is angry about it anyway
Joel Radio #260: Taking Our Temperature
Mar 30th
Joel checks in during the pandemic to interview journalist Steve Miller about coronavirus, America’s response to the crisis and taking guesses at when it all might end. Steve’s also been doing a bunch of reporting on a sensational Florida murder-for-hire case, but he still hasn’t seen Tiger King. Also, comedian Derek Richards checks in from Las Vegas on the state of Vegas, and why comics might actually get a raise out of unemployment. Plus, Joel’s quarantine-mate Layla check in on how they’re staying sane and all the stuff they’ve been watching like McMillions, Tiger King, The Office, Girls, and so much more. You’ll also hear Layla describe giving her first haircut, which might a true-crime case in the future.

Which is worst? Joel’s quarantine haircut or Joe Exotic’s mullet?
Joel Radio #259: Best After Dinner
Mar 10th
Comedian and all-around curmudgeon Bill Hildebrandt returns to chat about how the corporate comedy show is done wrong, the effect of coronavirus on the business and why comedy agents are weasels. It’s an inside comedy talk for sure, but it’s hard to disagree with him – unless you’re an agent or a corporation looking for fun-but-misguided way to entertain your employees. Also, Joel takes Rob Schneider out for breakfast, Atlanta traffic sucks, what happens when a big store closes, and movie production issues that drive Bill nuts. Plus, a TV and movie rundown with The Invisible Man, The Impractical Jokers Movie, The Outsider on HBO, Hunters on Amazon Prime, Breeders on FX and more.

The corporate meeting – comedy’s best paying enemy of fun
Joel Radio #258: Pure Quality
Feb 19th
A lot of ground is covered on this show, as Ted Moss returns to re-cap the Oscars with Joel and talk about his own podcast. Joel discusses which Oscar picks he got wrong and (mostly) right, and why Parasite really deserved to win. The guys also discuss podcast audio quality, toilet paper budgets, travel nightmares, and Ted takes us back to a quaint time when porn movies played at drive-in movie theaters. Plus, reviews of James May: Our Man in Japan, HBO’s The Outsider and McMillions, Locke and Key and much more.

This image is not indicative of the quality of the show
Joel Radio #257: Movie Mania 2020
Feb 4th
The giant, be-all-end-all movie review and Oscar preview show is here for 2020. It’s the biggest Joel Radio of the year, and Joel is joined by a new guest co-host, comedian Jason Fylan-Mares, who shares his best and worst films of the year. But wait, Corey Hall returns from a public radio booking to add his insights and yes, it get contentious as always. Only one guy like Uncut Gems, Joel hates Little Women, Corey hates INXS, the documentary nominees are all wrong, there’s too much feet in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and so on. This is always a fun show to make, so if you’re looking for a good movie to watch, learn from us and pick a good one.

It was a weird year at the movies for sure. Waiting for Two Popes in The Lighthouse
Joel Radio #256: Sing It Dave
Jan 24th
It’s an experimental show as Joel visits Ted Moss at his new podcast studio, and attempts to record there. It turn out okay – please comment on the quality below if you wish – with a variety of topics including David Lee Roth’s return to the stage in Las Vegas. Turns out the Van Halen front man sounds a little off in the clips Joel plays. The band sounds good, though, if that is really the band playing. It’s a full Joel Radio investigation on this one! Plus, Three big Oscar movies reviewed, 1917, The Two Popes and Little Women. Joel was completely annoyed with one of these for editing reasons, surprised by how good one was, and thought the other was a masterpiece. Ted even went out to see one!

Those that can’t sing at least try to look the part
Joel Radio #255: Not For Profit Podcasting
Jan 6th
Comedian Ted Moss returns to talk about getting ghosted for a date, starting his own podcast, and he might be the only person alive to hate the Netflix show Magic For Humans. Joel dumps on Eddie Murphy hosting SNL, has a new term for amateur comedians, and thinks Magic For Humans was fantastic. Plus, a giant slate of move reviews including Jojo Rabbit, Bombshell, Richard Jewell, Ford vs Ferrari, Marriage Story, Judy, Maiden, Apollo, It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, and The Quiet One. Plus, Dolemite is My Name was pretty good but was better when it was called The Disaster Artist.

You feel like Adam Driver in Marriage Story after you’ve argued with Ted
Joel Radio #254: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review
Dec 20th
Joel attends opening night of the new Star Wars movie and reviews it along with comedians Kevin Kramis and Josh Bowab. Turn out the guys liked it overall, even if they weren’t all that hyped to see it. The review is *spoiler free* for the first 18 minutes or so – you’ve been warned! Joel rips Kevin for peeing at THE most inopportune time, the guys try to figure out the geography of the Star Wars universe, and why Lando was hitting on that one chick. Joel thinks its a fine Star Wars film with plenty of cute stuff, some questionable CGI, and a bit of fan-service that is 42 years too late. Nothing to get upset about like Last Jedi, anyway. It’s one of the least-disappointing films this holiday season. Go see it!

Here’s Babu. The breakout star of this film. The Babu/Baby Yoda buddy film can’t be far away
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