Joel Radio #233: Unlaughing Fat Guy
Nov 29th
The holiday movie season (and Oscar season) is in full-swing as Joel and Ted Moss review some of the award hopefuls including the very good Green Book, and the awful Netflix/Coen Brothers cash-burn The Ballad of Buster Scruggs. What’s worth a look this holiday? Lots of reviews to hear as Melissa McCarthy gets serious, those Asians are Rich and Crazy, and a remarkable documentary, Three Identical Strangers. There’s also a big argument over a depressing movie with a great performance as well. Plus, Joel performs in front of the “Unalughing Fat Guy” again, Ted goes west on Amtrak and visits Amazon even though he doesn’t subscribe, why everyone should watch YouTube videos, and Joel receives the worst Christmas card ever – from Ted.
Turn this movie off after the first story. Trust us!
Joel Radio #232: Ted Talks
Nov 15th
Comedian Ted Moss returns to tell of his recent audition for America’s Got Talent. While Joel explains that reality TV show auditions aren’t all they are cracked up to be, Ted says that his went well. Hear all the details of how it’s not like what you see on TV and how many jugglers were practicing in the waiting room. Joel and Ted also talk lots of comedy including Joel’s recent experience at open mike. Find out why one guy wouldn’t laugh when everyone else did, and why a comedian shouldn’t get upset about it. The guys also clash over the notion that new comedians have a “blueprint” of who they’d like to be in the business. Joel says almost everyone does, while Ted (unbelievably) thinks that’s idiotic. Also, Joel, Ted and some friends tried an escape room. did they escape? Find out who was helpful and who wasn’t and hear Ted’s criticisms of the particular escape room they attempted. Plus, Joel thinks he found the funniest show ever on Amazon Prime, Ted watches new specials from Joe Rogan and Adam Sandler, and Joel’s full guide to why comedy contests are the worst.
A single frame from HITOSHI MATSUMOTO Presents Documental on Amazon. So funny!
Joel Radio #231: Too Cheesy
Nov 1st
The supermarket Kroger has made house-brand cheese snacks that mock stand-up comedy and Joel and Corey Hall were upset. Then they ate them and thought they weren’t half-bad. Hear the controversy and why the actual snacks aren’t exactly what they thought they were. Also, Joel does Halloween – the movie – and a haunted house, too. Hear the psychology of the hype of a haunted house and how that applies to restaurants and other businesses. Plus, Sal Demilio calls in to promote his new show, Louis CK should just go away, Joel races “professional” go-karts, HBO’s Camping is absolutely terrible and Corey’s take on A Star is Born and First Man.
Joel Radio #230: All New Stuff
Oct 19th
Comedian Ted Moss returns to sit in with Joel and tells him everything he knows about comedy. Unfortunately, much of what what Ted has to say is wrong, at least according to Joel. When should comedians introduce new material to their act? How should you approach an open mike at a club versus one at a bar? It’s a spirited debate where there are no right or wrong answers, with the only possible conclusion being that both guys are sure the other is wrong. Also, Jon Lovitz and TJ Miller perform at the Comedy Castle and Joel has reports on both shows. Turns out, people enjoy seeing celebrities. Who knew? Plus, Ted’s internet dating history is a comedy of errors (hear Joel’s way more limited experiences too), early Oscar contenders A Star is Born and First Man get reviewed, and you’ll find what happened to Corey on this show but it’s not much of a surprise if you’ve been paying attention for the last thirteen years.
You’ve made it in show business when the dog gets the green room to himself
Joel Radio #229: A Murder in Yoga Pants
Oct 3rd
This show is all over the place. In a good way, though, as Corey Hall returns to talk about Chevy Chase’s public meltdown, Judge Kavanaugh fighting over UB40, Russian bots hacking Star Wars and more nonsense. Joel recounts how he shot a Hallmark movie with Kellie Martin, even though he’s never seen it, and how Netflix movies are barely better than the ones with 80s actresses solving mysteries on cable. Netflix’s Like Father is a recent, awful example of this. Plus, Norm Macdonald gets a show, pumpkin spice treats that are actually good, Maniac on Netflix is interesting and worth a look, and Watts Club Mozambique – a legendary Detroit haunt and Joel’s connection to it.
Really. It’s $30 on Amazon, though.
Joel Radio #228: Bloopers Over The Credits
Sep 20th
Joel Radio welcomes comedian Ted Moss back to the podcast. Ted was previously heard on his Broke N’ Road Comedy Tour and he’s back to discuss the successes and failures of that tour, what the comedy scene is like in other towns, what it’s like to sleep in an RV with another guy and more nonsense. The guys discuss comedy classes becoming real-life arguments, Joel’s guitar inspiration, and what happened when Ted tried to give Joel a “free” piano. Ted’s a nut and he can bullshit with the best of them – he’s perfect for this show. Also, Joel talks about seeing Ed Sheeran in concert, but he doesn’t talk as much as Ed did at the concert. How much chatter is too much? Hear Joel’s Springsteen impression for a comparison. Plus, Burt Reynolds dies and leaves a legacy of beer, blondes and sports cars, John Mayer gets spotted in Chicago, Jack Ryan is more entertaining, implausible Tom Clancy bullshit , but Joel will tell you when his BS became real. And a movie review of A Simple Favor – shoulda been called “Gone (Again) Girl”.
Yes, Ariel Winter, old Burt Reynolds skeeves us out, too
Joel Radio #227: Jeopardy! For Dummies
Aug 29th
Joel Radio returns with news of comedians getting fired, as Michelle Wolf and Joel McHale lost their shows on Netflix. Joel (Fragomeni) explains why basic cable stars don’t translate to an on-demand service and why late-night TV died with the loss of Leno and Letterman. Corey Hall thinks Trevor Noah was a bad hire, too and feels like that genre is losing its punch overall. Two comics criticize those richer and more famous than them – what a show! Also, Joel visits Niagara Falls and drives the amazing Niagara Speedway while eating ice cream with white trash of all colors and trying not to get eaten by a tiger at a magic show – what a trip! Plus, Sharp Objects ends and Corey can tell you it sucked without seeing it (it didn’t), Magic for Humans is really great, Matt Groening’s Disenchantment is better than it should be, and The Package is the dumbest thing ever. RIP Aretha and McCain – we never met and wouldn’t have liked you if we did.
America needs to make its Kit Kats great again
Joel Radio #226: The Popular Podcast Award
Aug 16th
Joel survives a credit card calamity and a water main break to bring you this show where he and Corey Hall discuss a new Academy Award for “popular picture”. This seems redundant at best and idiotic at worst. Is this just a way to award Black Panther but not really award Black Panther? The guys discuss all the possibilities, including how the Tonys handle stuff like this, how to make the show move faster and other things they maybe don’t care about but can talk about for days. Like which Designing Woman cast member would have liked to sleep with? It’s a 1980s TV and movie rabbit-hole involving Meshach Taylor, Meatballs sequels, The Facts of Life cast and an obscure actress from Major Dad. Get your image search ready! Plus, Corey gets a new Oreo flavor for his birthday, Eighth Grade gets reviewed again and doesn’t do as well, the movie Tully almost works completely except for the last three minutes, and what if people showed up to vote and there were no ballots? What would you do? Call Corey!
Which woman would you most like to design with? Choose wisely guys, choose wisely.
Joel Radio #225: Royal Woke
Aug 3rd
Do comedians regret their comedy bits? Sure. Sometimes. That is the finding of a New York Magazine article and that sentiment is shared by Joel and Corey Hall on this show. Not that the hosts object to what they’ve done on moral grounds – Joel just thinks it hurts the show sometimes. Hear what the famous comics had to say, Joel and Corey share the jokes they’ve dropped over the years, and why they think the PC culture of today makes so many subjects taboo. Also, gives a brief Juggalo Gathering report including the mainstream movie featuring ICP and the surprise star, Clownvis Presley. Plus, Every Day is one of the worst movies ever says Joel, the new Mission Impossible is more of the same, Corey’s “woke” movie minute, and Joel says Sharp Objects is must-see TV and HBO’s Succession is a unwatchable heap that all the cool kids like.
Every Day was a terrible movie. Needs more Juggalos
Joel Radio #224: The Mexican Bookstore
Jul 24th
Comedian Bill Hildebrandt has been a frequent guest over the years on this show, and he returns to plug his upcoming shows at Mark Ridley’s Comedy Castle this weekend. Bill thinks it’s his last headlining appearance at the club, but he’s thought that before. Joel asks him about his start in comedy, his past life as a recording engineer, the future of stand-up comedy, and the rise of political correctness in comedy. Plus you’ll hear the history of the mellotron, a funny Trump joke, what it’s like to play in a band and much more. This is a good, insightful, entertaining interview with a guy who Joel considers his mentor in comedy, so give it a listen.
Bill where he belongs – on the Comedy Castle stage. Joel took this photo!
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